Your donations are saving Ashley‘s life
Tell everyone hello and your name. Hi, I’m Ashley. What does EB Blistering Skin Disease do to your skin? EB causes my skin to blister off and it is very painful. What have the donations done for you? I always have bandages, medicine and food. Your donations make my pain less. What do you want to tell people that have donated to No Baby Blisters to save you and others? Thanks for donating to save my life. God bless you. Thanks again. Bye!
We invite you to become a recurring monthly donor now to make sure Ashley and thousands of other children NEVER run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving surgeries, bandages, medicines and therapeutic nutrition.
Your Donations Literally Saves Lives

This is the leg of Baby John. Your tax-deductible donations immediately sent him life-saving bandages and ointments to save his life until our experts can find a full-body cure for EB blistering skin disease. Right now there is no full-body cure for EB, so Baby John is still fighting for his life in severe pain. Your donation today will instantly accelerate our Fast Cure Plan research for this terrible disease. In severe cases, babies born with EB do not live to celebrate their first birthday. Together, we can change this. This difference in Baby John’s leg is dramatic — and we can do this more often and better with your help! Join us to find a full-body cure. And if you’ve ever wondered if your donation “makes a difference,” look at Baby John. It does! Other EB babies in pain are immediately waiting clean bandages, ointments, and a full-body cure – possible only because of your generous donations.
Your donations are saving
Joyce's life.
Your donations are saving
Joyce's life.
“Hi! I am Joyce. Thank you so much for recently donating to save my life and many other forgotten children suffering with EB Blistering Skin Disease, Hydrocephalus and Cancer. My disease is a painful and deadly disease. Your donation to No Baby Blisters helps me to never run out of bandages, antibiotics and special nutrition. Thank you again.” -Joyce
We invite you to become a recurring monthly donor now to make sure Joyce and thousands of other children NEVER run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving surgeries, bandages, medicines and therapeutic nutrition.
EB is the Worst Disease You Have Never Seen
80% SKIN LOSS: Social media sadly blocks us from showing you the actual truth hidden underneath Lily’s bandages. Lily has severely painful and very deep blisters on 80% of her body due to genetic EB Blistering Skin Disease. Friction or pressure causes blisters making a good hug dangerous and deadly. Her wounds fuse with her bandages causing every bandage change to be terribly painful and bloody. Bandage removal rips her skin causing so much crying and bleeding that Lily has to have regular blood transfusions. It is a very traumatic event for Lily and her mom. Lily is suffering every moment and fighting to survive. *Pictured is No Baby Blisters’ spokesperson Baby Lily

PLEASE HELP ME. I need your help for my son to survive." -Baby John's Father

“The blister wound on his leg is the worst without any skin from his ribs all the way down to the tips of his toes.”
The father’s depressed plea rang out. His son Baby John, not yet three days old, lay suffering in a bed with severely painful blisters and gaping wounds that threatened his very life. These were bloody blisters and wounds the father could neither heal nor stop from emerging on his son’s tiny face and body time and time again. Time was running out.
When Baby John was born, his parents learned he had rare EB Blistering Skin Disease. They had never heard of the disease. Now immersed in their own daily struggle and nightmare, they are all too familiar with the heartbreak that accompanies it: constant cries of pain, emerging blisters on the baby’s face, head, chest, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes, a lack of weight gain due to bloody mouth, tongue and gum sores, and, reopened and bleeding wounds at every painful bandage change. And, for Baby John, the disease is getting worse every day.
“It’s so painful to see as parents. I have to hold Baby John down so my weeping wife can change his bandages while we watch him bleed, hurt and cry. We feel helpless and numb.”

Baby John’s father said he is now in a waiting game—waiting to see what toll this disease will take on his son next. His blisters, pain, and skin loss continue putting his life at risk. His toes have fused together. At No Baby Blisters, we are working tirelessly, so that what comes next for Baby John and his family is a cure. Baby John and the other 500,000 children suffering from EB around the world deserve a life free of pain and full of hope.
“We are praying for a miracle because he’s crying in pain. A cure is necessary for all babies suffering from EB’s cruel pain,” said Baby John’s father. “I will do everything possible to cure my son. I got a second job now working 16 hours a day to help pay the medical expenses. I’m looking forward to No Baby Blisters help and close interest in my son’s pain relief and cure.”