This Horrible Disease is Skinning Our Babies Alive. Become a HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL to stop their severe pain.


This horrible disease is literally skinning our babies alive with blisters like Baby Mirachael. You can stop their pain and save their lives. You can help our babies NEVER run out of life-saving pain medication, bandages, and antibiotics by becoming a HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL today.

Help us rescue our medically neglected babies from the terrible pain and death caused by EB Blistering Skin Disease. Mutated genes cause the skin to blister off resulting in extreme pain, infection, scarring, amputations, and death, but you can guard over them and protect them as a HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL with a small monthly donation as little as $3 below. Choose “Custom Amount” to choose the monthly amount that works best for you, or one of the pre-selected line-items.

EB is the Worst Disease You Have Never Seen

80% SKIN LOSS:  Social media sadly blocks us from showing you the actual truth hidden underneath Lily’s bandages. Lily has severely painful and very deep blisters on 80% of her body due to genetic EB Blistering Skin Disease. Friction or pressure causes blisters making a good hug dangerous and deadly. Her wounds fuse with her bandages causing every bandage change to be terribly painful and bloody. Bandage removal rips her skin causing so much crying and bleeding that Lily has to have regular blood transfusions. It is a very traumatic event for Lily and her mom. Lily is suffering every moment and fighting to survive. *Pictured is No Baby Blisters’ spokesperson Baby Lily

“Hi! I am Joyce. Thank you so much for recently donating to save my life and many other forgotten children suffering with EB Blistering Skin Disease, Hydrocephalus and Cancer. My disease is a painful and deadly disease. Your donation to No Baby Blisters helps me to never run out of bandages, antibiotics and special nutrition. Thank you again.” -Joyce

We invite you to become a recurring monthly donor now to make sure Joyce and thousands of other children NEVER run out of severe pain medicine, life-saving surgeries, bandages, medicines and therapeutic nutrition.


Your donations are saving Joyce's life

Thank You for NEVER Letting our Babies Run Out of Life-Saving Pain Medicines, Bandages, and Surgeries! Please donate below.

Thank you for saving our EB Blistering Skin Disease and Medical Special Needs babies from pain and death! Your tax-deductible donations help buy life-saving bandages and pain medicines for immediate urgent relief! We want to help all 500,000 babies suffering with EB pain, so if God puts it on your heart to donate Monthly as a HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL it will help them NEVER run out of critical medical supplies. Their parents will be so grateful. SADLY, we are the only charity helping our babies so your donations are literally life-saving. You are their only hope, so please keep praying, inviting and sharing other awesome humans like yourself to this fundraiser.

OUR GUARANTEE YOUR DONATION WILL HELP! Our Donors are the only ones helping our medically neglected children dying in severe pain. We deliver monthly funds directly to our children, so your donations are guaranteed to help stop pain and death, and to help fund full-body cure research for this horrible disease under our Fast Cure Plan.

This Horrible Disease is Skinning Our Babies Alive. Become a HERO GUARDIAN ANGEL to stop their severe pain

"PLEASE HELP ME. I need your help for my son to survive. We are praying for a miracle because he’s crying in pain. I am really afraid of losing him."

-Baby John's Father

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